Our Vision

We see Courage Centre as a Jesus-centred church, whose help is the Holy Spirit and whose focus is the Great Commission. A multi-ethnic, multi-generational church who value all people, ensuring everyone is given an opportunity to know Jesus. We see a body of people who carry the heart and ethos of the church in all age ranges.


We see a place where people learn to live and minister in the power of the Holy Spirit and are given opportunities to serve God through the many and varied ministries. A church committed to equipping every believer for significant ministry by helping them discover the gifts and talents God gave them.

We see a church where people are developed to spiritual maturity through Bible studies, seminars, retreats, and a structured discipleship program.

A church committed to building, training and empowering a leadership generation to make a difference in Crawley community and the World. Raising a people who are Kingdom-minded, demonstrating the fruit and gifts of the spirit and the character of Christ, to see revival sweep this land by sharing our faith with the hundreds of Thousands of residents in Crawley, West Sussex.

A church of influence, with involvement in all spheres of society and a focused mission into the world. A church with a heart for the poor and the marginalised, who are determined to bring transformation to people’s lives.

We see Courage Centre having a heart for the re-evangelisation of the UK, believing we have a significant contribution to make.

Our Mission Statement

Our Church will reach and influence the world by raising a people of integrity to serve as ambassadors in proclaiming the gospel and expanding God’s kingdom in every sphere of life.

Our Purpose

1. Evangelism

Our church will communicate God’s Word through evangelism. We are ambassadors for Christ and believe it is our responsibility to share the Good News about Jesus Christ wherever we go. As long as there is one person in Crawley, West Sussex, UK and the world who doesn’t know Christ, our church will continue to reach out and show the Love of Jesus Christ.

2. Fellowship

Our church will incorporate God’s family into our fellowship. We will provide a warm, authentic community, welcoming new believers into the body of Christ through baptism, Being in God’s family means we are not alone; we have each other for support. You weren’t just meant to believe; you were made to belong.

3. Ministry

Our church will demonstrate God’s love through ministry or service. Ministry is showing God’s love to others by meeting their needs and healing their hurts in the name of Jesus. We believe the church is to minister to all kinds of needs; spiritual, emotional, relational and physical.

4. Discipleship

Our church will educate God’s people through discipleship. After someone has made a
decision for Christ, it is our responsibility to develop them to spiritual maturity teaching them to obey Christ and become more like Him in their thoughts, feelings and actions. This is God’s will for every believer.

5. Worship

Our church will celebrate God’s presence in worship. It doesn’t matter if we’re by ourselves, with a small group or with 50,000 people. We believe worship shouldn’t be a religious duty. We worship God because we want to magnify and exalt His name.